
Faith. Fitness. Family.

Everything just works together, doesn’t it?

Lori Doerneman Lori Doerneman

Sugar, Sugar

I have gained a lot of knowledge over the years about WHY sugar is bad for my health. Interestingly, knowledge alone is usually not enough to change behavior!

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Start your journey

In this world we are accepted or rejected on the basis of how we show up. What crap.

You were made for more. You were made by Love Itself. And on this website, within my podcast, in my courses, that is my main message: You are gloriously worthy of love and belonging, not because of the things that you have done, but simply because God made you. He made you. He made you out of love.

Sit with that for a bit.

Allow that in.

Know that you are here for a reason. You are reading this message for a reason. And perhaps it’s time to stop this crazy cycle of (1) wanting to do good, (2) creating a plan to make efforts to change, (3) falling short of the plan, (4) berating yourself, (5) retreating back to the sense that you are not good enough.

I know because that was the crazy merry-go-round that I was on—for decades.

What I finally realized: if we do things on our own, in our own power, in our own way, we will fail. Why? Because we have not changed our innermost beliefs. You’ve probably heard that we operate from a subconscious level; we make decisions from that deepest place.

The trick is to shine a light of awareness down into those inner places, allowing conscious thought to operate. According to Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God, compulsion cannot co-exist with awareness. So we must be willing to sit with ourselves, to shine the light of awareness.

Once I crossed that bridge, and I knew that I was enough, that God’s love for me was enough, I no longer needed to fix myself. I felt whole. Complete. Loved. Saved. It is a journey, but a journey worth taking. You, my friend, were made by love, for love. You were made for more.

This site has been put together to support you on that journey!